The Agknowledge Program in Salinas, California, organized by the Grower-Shipper Association Foundation, is an excellent initiative that brings together key stakeholders in the Monterey County community to educate them on critical issues and public policies affecting the local agricultural industry. This program covers a wide range of topics, including food safety, food security, labor, immigration, technology, agri-marketing, conservation and the environment, urban-agriculture interface, air quality, and water management.
TriCal Inc. gladly a key role in this educational outreach by providing an application demonstration for the program participants. This hands-on experience allowed participants to gain a deeper understanding of how TriCal Inc. serves the agricultural community and fulfills its stewardship role of caring about the product, the environment, and the health and safety of all involved in the process.
The highlight of the demonstration was the application of TIF (plastic) sheeting to a plot of land, which showcased a practical aspect of TriCal Inc.’s work. Allowing participants to ask questions and interact with the equipment and materials provided an immersive learning experience, fostering better working relationships and facilitating a direct exchange of knowledge.
For those interested in learning more about the Agknowledge Program and its educational initiatives, additional information can be found on the Grower-Shipper Association Foundation’s website at https://growershipperfoundation.org/agknowledge/. This resource can serve as a valuable source of information for individuals looking to further their understanding of the agricultural industry and its challenges and opportunities in the Monterey County area.
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