Pre-plant soil fumigation with TriClor is a critical step to ensure that your orchard replants get off to a good start.
Citrus is vulnerable to soil-borne diseases such as:
- Root rot
- Fusarium
- Phytophthora
- Nematodes
The citrus nematode is the most major nematode pathogen in citrus. Other less widespread but also problematic nematodes include sheath, root knot, and root lesion.
Damage caused by citrus nematodes is called citrus slow decline, which refers to the gradual starvation and consequent deterioration of the tree.
TriClor is used to manage soil-borne diseases, insects, nematodes, and weeds. Creating a healthy soil environment prior to replanting allows the plant’s root system to flourish. A healthy root system leads to enhanced trunk, shoot, and canopy growth.

California Citrus Trial
Multiyear Trial, initiated in 2019
Goal: To examine the performance of TriClor in Citrus to determine nematistatic effects on key plant parasitic nematodes – such as citrus nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans), sheath, root lesion, and root knot nematode. This trial is testing TriClor at three different rates: 200lbs, 175lbs, and 150lbs.